Monthly check-up with our sourcer of the year – July

The entertainment industry is a mystery, do you agree with me?


In my opinion, they have this weird power that, in a couple of seconds, for example, can transform a simple sound into an all-new way to describe a sensation.


Do you want an example? 


That sound that plays every time a Netflix show is about to start:




It is awesome how a simple sound can let us excited about what is coming next and inflame an expectation that something really good is about to happen.


Home sweet home.


This ‘Sourcer of the Year’ is now in Brazil and it feels better than expected. Although I experienced the first week as a bit awkward.


There is plenty of work to do, so I really feel the need to build my routine again. The fact that I am living in an Airbnb at the moment is not the most helpful thing. No tadam moment around here.


There are suitcases everywhere, and most of my clothes are in vacuum bags. It can be described as an absolute chaos at the moment.


Luckily, I know this is all temporary. Ever since my husband and I decided to return to Brazil, we started looking for houses on all possible rental and estate pages.


The whole move demanded a lot of work and organisation, which made me feel like a sourcer not only in my work life, but in 100% of my life.


We defined our criteria, and I even created a Trello board to list the best places, and named some “winner” ones. Once a Sourcer, always a Sourcer.


Everything to make the tadam possible.


To be more specific, as a Sourcer, I experienced this feeling a couple of times, and now I “blame” my work for this tadam addiction.


Every Sourcer, Recruiter and Hiring Manager is looking for the click with the right candidate.


That moment the candidate is ready to engage with the company culture and the role. Ready to bring new ideas to make the business bigger and better.


The tadam moment.


However, even though this is a great moment, sometimes we go through several recruitment processes without it.


That is frustrating.


Zooming into my sourcing reality, it is almost impossible to know just by a Linkedin profile or a resume if the professional and the company will click, and because of this, sometimes a role is filled by a candidate whom I did not find.


Experience teaches us that only time and the full recruitment cycle will define this moment.


And after this month, I can say the same happens with house hunting. We have our expectations when we look at the house online, but only time will determine the tadam moment.


That is why I am looking forward to the next month: ready to start all over again and hunt for my tadam moments as a Sourcer and as Nicole.


See you next month, hopefully from my new home!

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