Business Case GroDesign

Over GroDesign

GroDesign streeft ernaar gebruikerservaringen te verbeteren door prachtig vervaardigde producten te leveren met ‘persoonlijkheid en ziel’ – frisse, onderscheidende oplossingen die een emotionele band met mensen creëren om hen een zinvolle ervaring te geven.


GRO was founded in 1999 by Roland Bird, Graham Hinde and Roger Swales. The studio is situated in Eindhoven, The Netherlands – Europe’s leading design, technology and innovation hub. Prior to starting GRO design, the three partners were Senior Design Consultants at Philips Design.Having worked extensively in corporate design and as design consultants, they bring an understanding of both worlds to their work and collaborations.


What have you struggled with, or what is the reason you turned on Successr?

It was hard for us to find the right people. Therefore, we got a recommendation from InvertRobotics, a company also from Eindhoven to turn to Successr. We were looking for someone who could do the recruiting, the onboarding and set this up in a correct way. We wanted local candidates because this is more convenient for us with going to the office. We were quite confident in working with Successr because of all the good reviews we heard around us.


Did you have any doubts in the beginning? Why did you decide to do it anyway?

We were quite confident, so we did not have a lot of doubts! For us it was important that there was clarity about the fee structure, but this was well communicated and reasonable. Successr has a great approach to business: they are clear about the job and what it takes. They gave us a lot of clarity and the lead time was amazing: they answered us well. We were excited to start the partnership. There were very few doubts, also because of the recommendation from Invert Robotics. So, it all went smooth.


What have our services brought you?

It was quite a challenging assignment we gave to Successr: we were looking for a more senior role that was temporary and for 24 hours, so that narrowed the span. In the end there were three candidates that went into the process, and then we selected the right person.

At some point we wish we had a few more candidates, but we got a great reassurance from our consultant that they were already doing the prescreening, so that was really good in our eyes. They always had a good answer to our questions. They did an exceptional job on the human level, they communicated really well.


How did you experience working with us?

Very good! We really appreciated that they were very interested in what we as a company are doing. The intake was really good: they came to visit the studio and were genuinely interested our needs and expectations. Successr always found time to answer any of the questions we had. Our consultant Chrissy was always available and very direct: we loved this approach. I also felt confident from the start because we got such great recommendations beforehand. I really like how they do business: personal and always in the listening mode. It is a good balance.


Which aspect did you find most valuable? What makes Successr unique in your eyes?

Our profession is highly specialized and for the role that we were recruiting they delivered such a good service. We had not much experience before working with recruiters, but we felt that it can get quite complicated with the fee structure. With Successr that was really easy. The value that they are delivering is outstanding for the price. You will find the person you are looking for. I also love that they are so internationally focused, you can tell they have a global thinking and mindset and therefore always are open to new ideas.


Would you recommend our service to someone else and what would you say?

Definitely! Successr is really prompt, have strong listening skills, are really proactive, are very interested in the company and purpose itself and they have a lot of positive energy overall!

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