The 4 trends all hiring managers should know about

You are probably reading this because you are a hiring manager. Do you realize that you are the single most important employee in your company?


An organization is only as strong as its people and thus your company relies heavily on the hiring decisions that you make.


We are aware that hiring may not be your only job, but that you deal with the challenge of finding high-quality candidates from an exhausted pool of talent.


We set out four trends and tips on how to integrate them, that are going to help you to flourish in your role. Let’s dive in! 


1. Tap into the GIG economy


In the last years, our mindset on how we look at work has shifted. COVID-19, upcoming technology, and a brand-new generation all made their significant impact.


A desire for flexibility has risen for the employee as well as for the employer. This shift in mindset has increasingly led to a wave of contingent workers. Freelancing and short-term project-based jobs are now more popular than ever!


As a company, tapping into this GIG economy can yield great benefits. It can reduce your costs and risks because you are not bound to permanent workers anymore. Also, it can increase efficiency, if you can hire specialists for specific tasks instead of a role.


But how can you attract these kinds of people? In a few ways:


  • Care about your Employer Brand

It all starts with the buzz around your company: is your company widely known as a great place to work? If not, make efforts to show this!

  • Provide a positive Candidate Experience

First impressions matter. A smooth hiring process will therefore be a great contribution to a good brand image and the willingness to stay at your company.

  • It may seem contradictory: but salary matters

A suitable reward and recognition for satisfactory efforts will make these kinds of workers want to work for your company.

  • Build relationships

The connection that (potential) employees feel with you and your company will be crucial in their decision-making. Therefore, prioritize investing in these relationships!



2. Tap into the ‘new age’ of workers


It was mentioned earlier already: the new generations are taking over.


Often a major gap is seen between what the ‘baby boom generation wants out of a job in comparison to the millennials / Gen Z generations.


So how do you make sure you attract and retain this group?


  • Establish a strong company culture

Millennials highly value their connection to their workplace, with an emphasis on the company culture. Also, they need more encouragement and constructive feedback to feel engaged at work.

  • They need challenging and meaningful work

A strong purpose is of the greatest importance. According to Forbes, 84% of millennial workers care more about making a difference in the world than about their careers. So show them that their work matters!

  • Provide the possibility to work hybrid or even remote

A balance between work and life is essential for this generation. So, if the role allows it, consider giving them freedom in how they arrange their work.


3. Know the current job market and manage your expectations


The job market shifts in the blink of an eye nowadays. Therefore, it may be hard for you as a hiring manager to exactly know what is out there in terms of talent and what you can expect or even demand from the recruiters and sourcers you work with.


A few tips that can help are:


  • Understand your organization’s EVP (Employer Value Proposition)

Essential is to know clearly why a candidate would want to work for your company, and why they should apply for this role over others.

  • Create a detailed, thorough, and up-to-date job description

What does your ideal candidate look like? In writing the job description, it is important to lay out exactly what type of candidate you want to attract. Being specific is important: this can make the recruitment process a lot more efficient.

  • Consider talent with transferable skills and dare to see potential

Despite it is essential to set up an image of what your perfect candidate looks like, it is important to realise that the perfect candidate does not exist. Therefore, focus on skills that can apply to the role instead of specific experiences.

  • Consider hiring international and remote talent

Our current reality is that every kind of border is fading. Work is not solely done in offices anymore and you can get your talents from all over the world. Make use of this limitless potential when you hire. Being open-minded to these options will increase your chances to get a quality candidate.


4. Focus on attracting and retaining talent in the long run


So, you hired a perfectly qualified and quality candidate to complete your team. Congratulations!


You may think that now your work is done here, but you may overlook an important part of this process: retaining the right talent.


You may think this has nothing to do with the hiring process. It does, however, affect how candidates see the company brand, how engaged they are, and how they perform.


Learning and development, training, coaching, mentoring, or employee well-being programs are all important aspects of the employee experience that you as a hiring manager should not should ignore.


Investing in these will help you as a hiring manager build a positive reputation among job searchers. As a result, it will be easier to hire new employees!



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